Two students from Bengaluru will represent India at the 14th International Linguistic Olympiad (ILO), one of the prestigious international science Olympiads organised globally for secondary school students. Saujas Vaduguru, a student of National Public School, Indiranagar and Shashank Rammoorthy, a student of Stonehill International School, Yelahanka, are part of the 10 member team from India that would take part in
the competition. They will participate in individual as well as team events. This year, for the first time, India is the host country and it will be held in Mysuru from July 25 to 29. In all 160 students from 30 countries will take part.
Saujas and Shashank were selected for the international round of the competition through Panini Linguistic Olympiad held recently in Hyderabad. Saujas, a class 12 student says that his favourite subjects are mathematics and computer science and enjoys solving problems.
Programming is one of his hobbies. He has taken part in the Informatics Olympiad and enjoys solving algorithmic puzzles. The event held annually since 2003 recognises and awards students with exemplary skills in analytical reasoning and computational thinking. India first participated in the ILO in 2009 and participants from the country are yet to win a gold medal though they have bagged three silver and four bronze medals, four best solution awards and three honourable mentions at the previous events.
Shashank says that they enjoy the home advantage this year and their chances of bagging a gold medal are “very bright” as they have undergone a rigorous and extensive training.
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