Monday 11 January 2016

Some Amazing Facts about
googol is a large number equal to (i.e., a 1 with 100 zeros following it). Written out explicitly.
  1. Google's original name was BACKRUB. Then Google came as the spelling mistake of word "Googol". May be that's why googlers get free massages in office.
  2. Google's headquarter is called "Googleplex" which means the number equivalent to ten raised to the power of a googol.
  3. In Googleplex, TGIF (Thank God Its Friday) used to happen on each friday as weekly all-hands where Larry, Sergey and other googlers discuss about Google. As friday afternoon at Mountain view was too late for other offices of google worldwide, now it happens on each thursday and its

Sunday 10 January 2016

What are some amazing facts about Google or Microsoft?

The Google reCAPTCHA Project

We have all come across the ubiquitous captcha - the colourful images with distorted text - a reverse Turing test of sorts. These work because no algorithm at present can read distorted text as well as we humans do. However not all the distorted texts are unreadable by machines. About 200 million captchas are solved everyday, amounting to more than 150,000 hours of work each day. Considering the numbers involved, a safe captcha generation system was needed. Enter Google reCAPTCHA. To make a positive use of this immense human effort, the reCAPTCHA channels the effort spent solving captcha online into "reading" books.
To archive human knowledge and to make information more accessible to the world, multiple projects are digitizing physical books that were written before the computer age. The book pages

Thursday 7 January 2016


Periodic Table’s 7th Period is Finally Complete, IUPAC-IUPAP Officials Say


The 7th period of the periodic table now has four new elements: element 113 (temporarily named as Ununtrium, or Uut)element 115 (Ununpentium, or Uup)element 117 (Ununseptium, or Uus), and element 118 (Ununoctium, or Uuo), says a group of experts from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).

Tuesday 5 January 2016

India's combined internet speed is 36,000 Gbps!
  1. Where does your Internet service provider get internet from? 
  2. How does Internet reach India?  

Let us dive into the world of networking .
More than 99% of the internet traffic relies on high quality fiber optic cables connecting various countries. Only a minuscule part of the traffic goes through satellites.

These cable networks are laid and maintained by various governments and giant companies. Such projects are usually undertaken by multiple companies due to the large cost of investment. There are three tiers which differentiates the size of the network held by a company.

Monday 4 January 2016