India will be hosting the first BRICS film festival which will begin from Sept. 2, said Information and Broadcasting Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu. The five-day BRICS film festival would be held from September 2 to 6 at New Delhi. “The film festival will showcase an amalgamation of culture, films, song, dance and food of the 5-member countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China and
South Africa,” Naidu said. The film festival will showcase an amalgamation of culture, films, song, dance and food of the 5-member countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said Naidu. Around 20 movies are scheduled to be screened in the competition section — four from each of the countries.
He said that the festival was a step taken to build bridges and bring harmony amongst the BRICS countries, the festival would ensure more people-to-people contact between member countries especially youths.
Idea of BRICS film festival was coined by Prime Minister Modi during BRICS Summit. The Malayalam movie Veeram will be screened on the opening day of film for the festival The Film Festival would be a great platform for people of the film industry of member countries to explore areas of cooperation in the domain of “cinema, culture and cuisine” said Naidu. During press conference Minister of State for I & B, Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore and senior officials were present.
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