Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB), announced the availability of Flipkart’s mobile site in its mobile banking app, which gives the customer a secure in-app shopping environment. KMB has been expanding the scope of offerings on its mobile banking app, and this move further strengthens its mStore which already allows booking of air tickets, hotels and bus tickets. Shopping on Flipkart via
Kotak’s mStore has its advantages. Customers can shop seamlessly and check-out faster with choice of relevant payment options, as billing and delivery details are already available with KMB. Furthermore, in-app shopping reduces transaction failures, and allows them to track cancellations and refunds in the same window. They only need to register once on the app to start shopping.
Customers can also enjoy special periodical offers, in addition to attractive prices by Flipkart. Shopping on Flipkart m-site via KMB’s mobile banking app will not attract any additional charges.
Deepak Sharma, Chief Digital Officer, Kotak Mahindra Bank, said, “In the digital landscape, availability and ease of access has blurred the lines of service and delivery in every possible area. As a Bank, we are conscious of our customers’ needs and want to ensure the best of all services for them.
Samardeep Subandh, Chief Marketing Officer at Flipkart said, “At Flipkart, it is our goal to transform commerce in India through technology and to offer to customers across India quality products at affordable rates. Flipkart and Kotak Mahindra Bank are market leaders in their own space, and through this partnership we aim to make the customer shopping experience truly comprehensive by integrating our shopping platform within the Kotak app mStore.”
The Flipkart in-app shopping feature is currently available on the Android platform and will soon be available to iOS users.
About Flipkart:
Flipkart is India’s largest e-commerce market place with over with over 60% market share of mobile commerce. With a registered customer base of 75 million, Flipkart offers more than 40 million products across 80+ categories including Smart Phones, Books, Media, Consumer Electronics, Furniture, Fashion and Lifestyle.
Launched in October 2007, Flipkart is known for its path-breaking services like Cash on Delivery, experience zones and a 10-day replacement policy.
With over 85,000 registered sellers, Flipkart has redefined the way brands and MSME’s do business online.
About Kotak Mahindra Bank:
Established in 1985, Kotak Mahindra group is one of India’s leading financial services conglomerates. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. (KMFL), the Group’s flagship company, received banking license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), becoming the first non-banking finance company in India to convert into a bank – Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. (KMBL).
Effective April 1, 2015, ING Vysya Bank Ltd merged with Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd creating a Rs 2 trillion institution (consolidated).
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