Union HRD Minister, Sh. Prakash Javadekar announced the approval of three Kendriya Vidyala proposals, during an informal interaction with the media persons today. The Minister also received the feedback from the media regarding the performance of the ministry and education sector, appreciating the immense experience of the media professionals in covering the ministry of Human Resource Development. The
Minister briefed the press about the approval of three Kendriya Vidyalaya proposals. It was decided to open new Kendriya Vidyalaya in Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh (Railway Coach Factory) as well as in Takenpur, Madhya Pradesh (BSF Academy). It was also decided to adjust timings in the already functional Kendriya Vidyalaya in Piliphit, Uttar Pradesh to enable classes for Std XI considering the space constraints of the KV.
On NEET, the Minister clarified as follows
1. In case a candidate appeared in NEET-I and applied for NEET-II but not paid the fee, his candidature for NEET-II will not be considered as he has not submitted the fee and thus, his form has not been submitted successfully. The registration issued to any candidate is basically a unique number which is issued to all candidates who registers with the system. In the above case, result of NEET-I will be considered
2. In case, a candidate appeared in NEET-I and applied for NEET-II successfully but could not appear in NEET-II, such cases will be placed before the Oversight Committee for consideration of their NEET-I result.
3. Any other case which will come to the notice will also be placed before the Oversight Committee for taking final decisions.
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