Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Ministry approves procurement of one lakh metric tonne potatoes from farmers under Market Intervention Scheme

Ministry approves procurement of one lakh metric tonne potatoes from farmers under Market Intervention (हस्तक्षेप) Scheme

Ministry approves procurement (खरीद) of one lakh metric tonne potatoes from farmers under Market
Intervention Scheme (MIS). Potato purchase to be made at Rs.4870 per metric tonne. Government to provide an additional Rs.1217.50 per metric tonne for storage, transportation & mandi fee. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has approved the procurement of potato under Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) in Uttar Pradesh for the crop season 2016-17. A maximum quantity of 1,00,000 metric tonne (MT) of potato may be procured under the scheme by the State Agency.
The purchase will be made at Rs. 4,870/- per MT. The Ministry will provide an additional Rs. 1217.50/- per MT or actual whichever is less for overhead expenses(उपरि व्यय), such as transportation charges, mandi tax, and godown charges.

Purchase centres/areas will be decided by the state government in consultation with the state agency.

The MIS will be implemented (कार्यान्वित) by the state agency. The Potatoes will be purchased from the Cooperative Societies, farmers’ organizations or directly from the farmers to eliminate (समाप्त करना)the possibility of middlemen taking advantage of the scheme. The state government will ensure that the produce is purchased from genuine farmers only.

The procured stocks will be disposed of in the open market to ensure maximum realizable price. If necessary, this can also be sold to processing units within the state.  The state agency would also make efforts to export the procured potatoes after processing.

In order to avoid recycling, the stock would not be sold in the same market / state from where it has been procured during the period of the scheme.  However, if the prices are better it can also be sold, locally.

Barter payments or payments in kind to farmers for procurement won’t be allowed.

Payment to farmers as far as possible will be made through non-cash transaction and receipts for sales must be through banking channel only, preferably through Demand Draft.

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