Monday, 17 April 2017

JIPMER Recruitment 2017 for 11 Posts of Deputy Director, Assistant Registrar and Others

JIPMER Recruitment 2017 for 11 Posts of Deputy Director, Assistant Registrar and Others

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) Recruitment 2017 Jobs Notification: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) has invited applications for 11 posts of Deputy Directors, Assistant Registrars and Others. The eligible candidates can apply to the post through the prescribed format on or before 02 June 2017, till 4:30 PM.

Notification details

Notification No. : Admn.I.1 (18)/ 2017

Important Date:

Last Date of Application: 02 June 2017

Employment News eBook

JIPMER Vacancy Details

Total Posts : 11

Deputy Director (Admn) : 01 Post

Senior Financial Advisor : 01 Post

Controller of Examinations : 01 Post

Registrar (Academics) : 01 Post

Purchase Officer : 01 Post

Assistant Engineer (Civil/ Electrical) : 02 Post

Assistant Registrar : 02 Posts

Stores Officer : 01 Post

Foreman : 01 Post

Eligibility Criteria for Post Name Job

Educational Qualification:

Deputy Director (Admn) : Deputation from Officers of IAS / Allied services only i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; Or ii) Officers in the PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 with GP of Rs.7600 having at least 5 years’ service in the Grade from Officers of IAS & Allied services. Or iii) Officers in the PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 with GP of Rs. 6600 having at least 10 years’ service in the Grade from Officers of IAS & Allied services.

Senior Financial Advisor : Officers from Central Organized Accounts Services; a) holding analogous post on regular basis; OR b) with 5 years in regular service in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100+GP7600 (Pre- revised Rs.12000-16500/-); or equivalent.

Controller of Examinations : a) i) Officers from Central / State Govt. / Autonomous institutions / Universities / Research Institutions etc. holding analogous posts on regular basis; Or ii) With 5 years regular service in the post in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 + GP 6600/- (10000-15200 pre-revised) and possessing b) i) Master’s Degree from recognized University or equivalent; and ii) 8 years’ experience in academic/conduct of examinations in University/Institutions.

Registrar (Academics) : Officers of the Central / State / Union Territory Government Universities / Academic Institutions / Institution of National Importance having experience in admissions and academic matters:- i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis; Or ii) With 5 years regular service in a post in the scale of PB 3 Rs.15600 – 39100+ GP Rs..6600 /- Or iii) With 10 years regular service in a post in the scale of PB 3 Rs.15600 – 39100+ GP Rs.5400.

Purchase Officer : i) Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis Or ii) With 2 years of regular service in the post in the PB 2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- Or iii) With 3years of regular service in the post in the PB 2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- And iv) Possessing the following qualifications and experience: Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma in Materials Management from a recognised University/ Institution or equivalent.

Assistant Engineer (Civil/ Electrical) : Officers of the Central/State Union Territory Governments/Universities/Central Statutory /Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings/Research & Development Organizations; i) Holding analogues posts on regular basis; Or ii) With 6 years regular service in a post in the scale of PB 2 Rs.9300-34800, Grade Pay of Rs.4200; And iii) possessing the following qualification; A degree in Civil Engineering with experience of not less than 6 years in Civil Engineering work.

Assistant Registrar : a) i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/department; Or ii) With 3years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/- or equivalent in the parent cadre/department; And b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience; i) Degree from recognized University or equivalent; and ii) 3 years’ experience in dealing with admissions and conducting examinations in a University or Educational Institution.

Stores Officer : I. From amongst officers of the Central or State Government or Autonomous bodies or Public Sector Undertaking; a) i) Holding analogous Posts on regular basis; or ii) with3 years of regular service in PB 2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP Rs.4200 AND b) Possessing the qualifications and experience prescribed as under; i) Bachelors’ degree of a recognized University or equivalent; ii) five years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in procurement of equipment and drugs in a major hospital or Medical Institute. II. The departmental Office Superintendent Gr. II (Stores) with 3 years of regular service in the grade will also be considered along with outsiders, and if selected the post will be deemed to be filled up by promotion.

Foreman : a) i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis or ii) With five years regular service in the post in the pay scale of Rs.5200- 20200+ Rs.2400(GP) and b) Possessing the qualification & experience as detailed below i) 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized University or Board. ii) Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized Institution with one year experience in an Electrical or Mechanical workshop of a Government Establishment or ITI trade Certificate in Machinist or Mechanic or equivalent from a recognized Institution with three years’ experience in an Electrical or Mechanical Workshop of a Government Establishment; II. The departmental Senior Refrigeration Mechanic in the pay scale of Rs.5200- 20200+ Rs.2400(GP) with five years’ regular service in the grade shall also be considered along with outsiders. In case he or she is selected for appointment to the post, the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion.

For other details regarding the eligibility criteria post wise. The desirous candidates are advised to refer to the recruitment tab on the official website

Age Limit for Posts under JIPMER 2017

Not exceeding 56 years for all posts.

Selection Procedure for Posts under JIPMER 2017

Selections for these posts will be made based on the performance in Written Test/ Interviews as per the decision of the competent authority.

How to Apply for the posts under JIPMER 2017

Eligible candidates can apply to the post through the prescribed format and send their duly filled application forms to Deputy Director (Admn.), JIPMER, Puducherry – 605 006. The last date to submit application forms is 02 June 2017.

Detailed Notification

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