Monday, 24 April 2017

Freight train connects Russia with China


A freight train connecting Russia with China has arrived (पहुंच गए) in an inland city bringing goods from Moscow to the former revolutionary heartland (क्रांतिकारी गढ़) of the Communist Party, a media report said. The train connecting Russia with Jiangxi province arrived on Sunday, Xinhua news agency reported. The train was expected to bring resources from Europe and boost local development. The journey started from Kansk, where buses first transported 38 containers more than 260 km to Bazaiha, followed by a train journey of more than 7,000 km, before reaching Ganzhou in eastern China.

Ganzhou, an inland area with a complex landscape, was important in early revolutionary activities due to its remote mountain ranges. However, its wartime geographical advantages became a stumbling (ठोकरें) block in development.

The government tried to push regional development in the past few decades, but Ganzhou won no major projects or key investment due to its geography, resulting in slow, sometimes non existent(गैर विद्यमान) , industrial growth.

Many people in Ganzhou are still living in poverty.

Definitions of non existent गैर विद्यमान

not existing, or not real or present.
she pretended(बहकाया) to tie a non existent shoelace
synonyms: imaginary, imagined, unreal, fictional, fictitious, made up, invented, fanciful, fantastic, mythical, illusory, hallucinatory, chimerical, notional, shadowy, insubstantial, missing, absent, illusive

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