Sunday, 9 April 2017

NBA Basketball Schools launched in Mumbai

NBA Basketball Schools launched in Mumbai

NBA Basketball Schools open to young male and female players; Top players at each basketball school will have opportunity (अवसर) to attend NBA Academies.The National Basketball Association (NBA)
today announced(घोषणा की) the launch of NBA Basketball School, a network of tuition-based basketball development programs around the world open to international male and female players ages 6-18. The first NBA Basketball School launched today in Mumbai, India as part of a multiyear agreement announced today with India On Track (IOT), one of India’s leading (अग्रणी) sports management, marketing and development companies.  Additional(अतिरिक्त) NBA Basketball Schools will be launched in India and around the world in the coming months.

Definitions of opportunity अवसर

a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
we may see increased opportunities for export
synonyms: chance, lucky chance, favorable time/occasion/moment, time, right set of circumstances, occasion, moment, opening, option, window (of opportunity), turn, go, possibility, shot, break, new lease on life

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