Friday 19 May 2017

Govt to review Sharda Prasad committee report

Govt to review Sharda Prasad committee report

The Government may soon review the public report of Sharda Prasad committee, that suggested the challenges in vocational education(व्यावसायिक शिक्षा)  and training system of the country and
convergence(अभिसरण), synergy and rationalization (युक्तिकरण) of sector skill councils (SSCs). The report is available at . The committee was formed by the government to re-evaluate the National Skill Development Mission. The report also suggested the appendices arranged chapter-wise and Maps of National Classification of Occupations, 2015 with National Industrial Classification, 2008. The committee reportedly advised the skill development ministry to drastically reduce the number SSCs from 40 to around 20 by merging identical sector councils but also to curtail their powers of assessment of skill training centers. These SSCs are overlapping(अतिव्यापी)  in nature, and were unnecessarily(अनावश्यक रूप से)  floated without giving proper thought, making it difficult to manage a large number of them. According to sources, the committee also suggested merging plumbing and construction, handloom and handicraft, telecom and Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services, automotive and logistics, health care and beauty and wellness sector, and many more.

Sharda Prasad committee formed by the re-evaluate the National Skill Development Mission.

National Skill Development Mission

To rapidly scale up skill development efforts in India, by creating an end-to-end, outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns demands of the employers for a well-trained skilled workforce with aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods. 

Introduction National Skill Development Mission

1.1 Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country.
1.2 India currently faces a severe shortage of well-trained, skilled workers. It is estimated that only 2.3 % of the workforce in India has undergone formal skill training as compared to 68% in the UK, 75% in Germany, 52% in USA, 80% in Japan and 96% in South Korea. Large sections of the educated workforce have little or no job skills, making them largely unemployable. Therefore, India must focus on scaling up skill  training efforts to meet the demands of employers and drive economic growth.
1.3 India’s annual skilling capacity was estimated at approximately 7 million during the
period 2013-2014. Apart from meeting its own demand, India has the potential to  provide a skilled workforce to fill the expected shortfall in the ageing developed world. 
1.4 India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age and over 62% of the population in the working age group (15-59 years). The country’s population pyramid is expected to bulge across the 15-59 age group over the next decade. This demographic advantage is predicted to last only until 2040. India therefore has a very narrow time frame to harness(साज़) its demographic dividend and to overcome its skill shortages.
1.5 The enormity(दुष्टता) of India’s skilling challenge is further aggravated by the fact that skill training efforts cut across multiple sectors and require the involvement of diverse stakeholders such as: multiple government departments at the centre and state levels, private training providers, educational and training institutions, employers,  industry associations, assessment and certification bodies and trainees. All these stakeholdersneedtoaligntheirworktogetherinordertoachievethetargetof‘SkillIndia’.
1.6 The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (earlier Department of Skill  Development and Entrepreneurship, first created in July 2014) was set up in November 2014 to drive the ‘Skill India’ agenda in a ‘Mission Mode’ in order to converge existing skill training initiatives and combine scale and quality of skilling efforts, with speed.
1.7 The Ministry, therefore, proposes to launch the NATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT
MISSION (NMSD - known henceforth as, the Mission), which will provide the overall institutional framework to rapidly implement and scale up skill development efforts across India. 
1.8 The vision, objectives and design of the Mission, draw on the lessons learnt from the implementationofskilldevelopmenteffortsoverthepastdecade.Itseekstoprovidethe 
1.9 This Framework forImplementation will provide strategic direction to State governments andestablishaclearlineofactiontoenableIndiatoachieveitsskillingtargets.
1.10 This document goes on to outline the overall vision and objectives of the Mission. It
then articulates the Mission’s institutional structure (at the national, state and district
levels), outlines its strategy (by focusing on the launch of seven core sub-missions)
and provides a brief on the financial model.

Constitution of the Governing Council is as follows:

Chair: Prime Minister
Union Ministers from MoF, MSDE, MHRD, MoRD, MoLE, MSME, MoA,
M/o Overseas Affairs, M/o Information Technology, M/o HUPA
Deputy Chairman, NITI Aayog
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister
Cabinet Secretary
Secretary, MSDE (as Member Secretary)
3 members from industry/academia as determined by Governing Council
3 State Chief Ministers as determined by Governing Council, on rotation basis 

1 comment:

  1. FreeJobAlert आपकी आकांक्षा को वास्तविकता में बदलने का अवसर प्रदान करती हैं यदि आप मुख्य धारा में काम करने और देश के आर्थिक विकास का हिस्सा बनने की इच्छा रखते हैं, तो सरकारी क्षेत्र में आपके लिए नौकरी सबसे अच्छा विकल्प हो सकती है। हर साल सरकारी क्षेत्र में रोजगार के कई अवसर उपलब्ध हो जाते हैं। जैसे बैंकिंग, रेलवे, बीमा, सिविल सेवा, चिकित्सा, मीडिया महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्रों में शामिल, हो सकते है। इन नौकरियों के लिए Educational qualification High School to post graduate तक भिन्न भिन्न होती है।

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