Saturday, 12 November 2016

Twitter partnered with India Spend to launch #Breathe services

Twitter India, along with website India Spend, launched #Breathe service to enable users to get real-time information about the pollution levels in their areas with a tweet.The reply tweet will inform you about the pollution levels in terms of particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10) as well as give you the possible health impact of the measured air pollution levels. Pollution levels across India is a huge health issue affecting
millions of people. By holding India Spend’s air-quality monitoring network, Twitter is making access to live air pollution data to help Indians make healthier living decisions from Earth Day 2016 and beyond.
iv. Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai are among the heaviest pollution area in the country and hence the service has been launched for these cities as of now. Other cities would also be added soon.

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