Two Public Interest Litigations (PILs) were filed in the Supreme Court today challenging the government's decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes in order to check black money. Soon after the PILs were filed, the Centre filed a caveat asking the court not to pass any interim order without hearing its argument on the issue. The matter will be now heard on Tuesday. Both the petitions have been filed by practising lawyers:
Advocate-on-Record at the Supreme Court Vivek Narayan Sharma, and Sangam Lal Pandey. Sharma's petition, running into 39 pages, questions the manner in which the scheme was implemented. He has alleged the government "failed to follow constitutional rule of law, principles of natural justice and provide sufficient time to citizens of India to prepare for such phasing out of specified bank notes."
The PIL questions the timing of the move, announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a televised address on Tuesday night. Sharma alleges the violation of Section 26(2) of the Reserve Bank India Act, 1934 which, according to him, mandates that "reasonable time be given to people to make alternate financial arrangements to avoid large scale mayhem and chaos."
The other PIL, filed by Pandey, has also pointed out the various difficulties faced by the public due to the sudden discontinuation of the currency notes.
He has submitted that private hospitals are refusing to accept notes of denomination 500 and 1000. Besides that, other grounds like initiation of marriage ceremonies, difficulties in travelling by public transport etc. have been raised by Pandey.
Calling it a "Tughlaqi Farman", Pandey has prayed that the notification be quashed.
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