Monday, 17 October 2016

Today marks International Day for Eradication of Poverty

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is marked today, October 17. The theme for this year is Moving from humiliation and exclusion to participation: Ending poverty in all its forms. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is celebrated every year, on October 17, throughout the world. It was officially recognised by the United Nations, but the first commemoration of the
event took place in Paris, France, in 1987 when 100,000 people gathered on the Human Rights and  Liberties Plaza at the Trocadéro to honour victims of poverty, hunger, violence and fear. The objective of the day is to draw attention to the importance of poverty eradication for building sustainable futures for all.

As measured by the 2016 Multidimensional Poverty Index, 1.6 billion persons are identified today as poor.

That staggering figure reveals levels of human deprivation far beyond what arbitrary income lines can capture. Poverty is about money, but never just about money, as underlined by UNESCO’s 2016 World Social Science Report.

The report notes that better understanding of the relationships between income and other dimensions of poverty can help to empower people living in poverty as agents of change.

 UNESCO’s 2016 World Social Science Report. 2016 Multidimensional Poverty Index , Today marks International Day for Eradication of Poverty

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