Friday, 14 October 2016

Highlights of ‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav-2016’ Being Organized by M/O Culture from Tomorrow

‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav (RSM) -2016’ is being organized by M/o Culture in IGNCA premises, Janpath, New Delhi  from 15th to 24th October, 2016. RSM was conceived by the Ministry of Culture in the year 2015 with an intent to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Country in all its rich and varied dimensions, viz. Handicrafts, Cuisine, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Documentation and
Performing Arts-Folk, Tribal, Classical and Contemporary- all in one place. The Seven Zonal Cultural Centres under the Ministry have been given the task of organizing the RSM in Delhi as well as taking it to different cities of the country under the banner of the slogan “EK BHAARAT, SHRESTH BHAARAT”. Some highlights of the RSM-2016 are:
 There will be a ‘Shilp Haat’ in which pavilions called "Aangans” would be put up by each of the seven Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs) of the country as well as the Academies and IGNCA. Demonstrations of the process of creation of the wares based on their crafts by the master-craftsmen will also be done here. These Aangans will be decorated by expert traditional painters and sculptors, in styles most representative of the regions that each of the ZCCs represents.
·                Two Photo Exhibitions will run concurrently. First one on ‘Vandalism of Places of Historical and National Importance’ in order to draw public attention to this very damaging activity done by misguided and insensitive people which causes irreparable damage and loss to irreplaceable national heritage. This exhibition will be as a part of the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ of the Prime Minister of India-albeit focused on a dimension of this Abhiyaan which has till now not received its due share of attention. The second exhibition will be on the recently Concluded ‘Simhastha Kumbh Mela’ showcasing its splendor and magnificence as well its importance in the cultural consciousness of the Nation.
·                Day-long performances of traditional performers of fringe-folk arts like ‘Behroopiyas’, ‘Baazigars’, ‘Kacchi Ghori’ etc. will take place in the Shilp Haat and the rest of the campus. These artists are also known as ‘Maidaani Kalaakar’ as they perform in the open without any need for a stage.
·                There will be a Food Court where master chefs of traditional delicacies from different regions of the country will treat the visitors to an unparalleled culinary experience.
·                There will be an Opulent Main Stage in the open air stage area, where dance and singing performances by artists of National and International stature will take place every evening from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
·                An Ancillary Stage will also be set up in the Shilp Haat area where daylong performances of students and different cultural groups of the city will take place. On this stage, in a programme called ‘Mujhe Bhi Kuchh Kahnaa Hai’, the lay visitors to the festival will also be given an opportunity to perform and showcase their talent in front of a large audience.

Highlights of ‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav-2016’ Being Organized by M/O Culture from Tomorrow 

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