Disarmament Week is an annual event that is observed from 24 October to 30 October in various parts of the world. The annual observation of the Week starts on the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, which is observed as the United Nations Day. On the occasion, the United Nations invites states to highlight the danger of the arms race, propagate the need for its cessation and increase
public understanding of the urgent tasks of disarmament. The week was established by the General Assembly in 1978 through resolution S-10/2. In 1995, the General Assembly invited governments, as well as NGOs, to continue taking an active part in Disarmament Week (resolution 50/72 B, 12 December 1995).
It invited the Secretary-General to continue using United Nations information entities as widely as possible, to promote a better understanding among the public of disarmament problems, and the aims of the Week.
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26 September 2013: High-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament -
The general assembly via its Resolution 67/39 decided to convene a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament that will be held as a one day plenary meeting on 26 September 2013, to contribute to achieving the goal of nuclear disarmament.
Arms Trade Treaty: This year during the annual United Nations Treaty Event - , much of the attention was focused on the Arms Trade Treaty, which was signed by 27 countries – including the United States – and ratified by three, bringing the total number of signatures to 113 and the total number of parties to seven.
Disarmament is the act of reducing, limiting, or abolishing weapons. Disarmament generally refers to a country's military or specific type of weaponry. It calls for total elimination of weapons of mass destruction, like nuclear arms.
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