Having discontinued “Janata Darbar”, the Bihar government is set to introduce a “Lok Samvad” programme in an effort to get public feedback and suggestions to help improve its different programmes. The Bihar Cabinet gave its nod to “Lok Samvad” under the Cabinet Secretariat department. It is set to start from December. Cabinet Secretary Brajesh Mehrotra said under Lok
Samvad, people will advise the government on its various programmes. “The idea is to incorporate public suggestions,” Janata Darbar was stopped with the implementation of Public Grievances Redressal Act in June this year. “Lok Samvad would come in a different format, under which people can make suggestions on speedy implementation of welfare programmes,”
the new programme would be held Mondays, preferably on two or three Mondays a month, depending on CM Nitish Kumar’s availability in Patna.
About Bihar:
Bihar is a state in East India. It is the 13th largest state of India. The third largest state of India by population, it is also contiguous with Uttar Pradesh to its west, Nepal to the north, the northern part of West Bengal to the east, with Jharkhand to the south. The name Bihar is derived from the Sanskrit and Pali word, Vihara (Devanagari: विहार), which means “abode”. The Bihar plain is split by the river Ganges which flows from west to east. In ancient and classical India, Bihar was considered a centre of power, learning, and culture. From Magadha arose India’s first empire, the Maurya empire, as well as one of the world’s most widely adhered-to religions, Buddhism.
Wild Life Sanctuaries in Bihar
Barela Jheel Salim Ali Bird Wild Life Sanctuary
Bhimbandh Wild Life Sanctuary
Gautam Budha Wild Life Sanctuary
Kanwarjheel Wild Life Sanctuary
Kaimur Wild Life Sanctuary
Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wild Life Sanctuary
Nagi Dam Wild Life Sanctuary
Nakti Dam Wild Life Sanctuary
Pant (Rajgir) Wild Life Sanctuary
Wild Life Sanctuaries in Bihar
Barela Jheel Salim Ali Bird Wild Life Sanctuary
Bhimbandh Wild Life Sanctuary
Gautam Budha Wild Life Sanctuary
Kanwarjheel Wild Life Sanctuary
Kaimur Wild Life Sanctuary
Kusheshwar Asthan Bird Wild Life Sanctuary
Nagi Dam Wild Life Sanctuary
Nakti Dam Wild Life Sanctuary
Pant (Rajgir) Wild Life Sanctuary
Udaipur Wild Life Sanctuary
Valmiki Wild Life Sanctuary
Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Wild Life Sanctuary
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