Friday, 17 February 2017

New Marriage Bill seeks to check extravagant spending in weddings

New Marriage Bill seeks to check extravagant(असाधारण)  spending in weddings (शादियों) The Marriages (Compulsory Registration and Prevention of wasteful expenditure) Bill, 2016 seeks to put a cap on extravagant spending in Indian weddings by limiting the number of guests and number of the dishes in the menu. The bill aims to check ‘show of wealth’ and wants those who are spending above
₹5 Lakh in a wedding to contribute towards marriages of poor girls. It was introduced by Ranjeet Ranjan, a Congress MP, wife of MP Pappu Yadav. The Bill seeks that “if a family intends to spend more than ₹5 lakh on a wedding then, it will have to declare the amount proposed to be spent in advance to the appropriate (उपयुक्त) government body and contribute 10% of it to a welfare fund established to assist poor families in the marriages of their daughters.

• The main objective behind its introduction is to prohibit extravagant and wasteful expenditure on marriages and to put into effect a simpler and much cheaper (सस्ता) process.

• The Bill may be taken up as a private member’s Bill in the coming Lok Sabha session.

• If this proposed Bill comes into force, all marriages will have to be registered within 60 days of being solemnised(सम्पन्न) .

Explaining her main intention behind the bill’s introduction, Ranjeet Ranjan said great importance should be given to the solemnisation of marriage between two individuals but these days, unfortunately, the focus is more on celebrating marriages with pomp and show and spending lavishly.

This, in turn, she added, is putting tremendous social pressure on poor families, forcing them also to spend more, which is not good for the society at large and hence, needs to be checked.

extravagant  असाधारण Definitions of extravagant
lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
it was rather extravagant to buy both
synonyms: spendthrift, profligate, improvident, wasteful, prodigal, lavish

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