Saturday, 11 February 2017

Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo Elected New President of Somalia

Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo Elected New President of Somalia 
Former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo was declared(घोषित) the new President of Somalia .  He won the seat after two rounds of voting and quickly took the oath(क़सम)  of office. The dual Somali-US citizenship holder Farmaajo defeated the incumbent (निर्भर) President Hassan Sheikh
Mohamud with 184 to 97 vote in the second round.  Earlier, he had been appointed the country’s Prime Minister in 2010 and stayed on the job Somalia President for eight months. During his tenure(कार्यकाल), he reduced the size of the government, paid the military regularly and campaigned against corruption(भ्रष्टाचार).

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