Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Tribal girl Lipika Singh Darai from Odisha wins 4 National Awards in 7 years

Tribal girl Lipika Singh Darai from Odisha wins 4 National Awards in 7 years

Bhubaneswar: Lipika Singh Darai, a woman from the tribal community Ho — from Odisha’s backward Mayurbhanj district — has won four National Film Awards in her seven years of career in film making and direction, an enviable feat (ईर्ष्यागत उपलब्धि) for her contemporary(समकालीन) filmmakers and directors. Of the four awards she has received since 2010, three are for her directorial ventures while fourth is for ‘Best Audiography’ (Rajat Kamal/non-feature section). Lipika, who began her educational journey from a Odia language primary school in her village to the country’s prestigious Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) in Pune, bagged the Best Director Award in the recently held 64th National Film Award in the Best Educational Film category, for her documentary The Waterfall.

The Waterfall, made for school cinema in English and Hindi, has been selected to be screened in seven hundred schools across India and other countries.

“I am very happy that I have already a dedicated audience for the film. The film has been entirely shot around the Khandadhar waterfalls and in the nearby forests Odisha’s Sundergarh district over a period of seven days,” says Lipika.

Produced by Syed Sultan Ahmed, The Waterfall traces the evolution (क्रमागत उन्नति) of a young city boy, Karun, to appreciate the value of the environment and think critically about climate change and development. On a trip to his ancestral (पैतृक) home in the interiors of the state of Odisha in India, he reflects on the nature of his relationship with a beautiful landscape and its relationship in turn with his city life.

“The protagonist Karun also learns that the mysterious hills and forests that they were exploring are about to be taken over by a company. The community of people living in the forests under the leadership of an old man has been standing up to safeguard the forests which has taken billions of years to form,” adds Lipika.

Her previous film - Kankee O Saapo (dragonfly and snake), A Tree A Man A Sea and Gaarud - had also created waves for wonderfully capturing the essence of rustic life(देहाती जीवन), the treasures(खजाने) of nature, environment protection efforts by local tribals and ethics and values of a society in rural areas.

Definitions of enviable ईर्ष्यागत 

arousing or likely to arouse envy.
an enviable reputation for academic achievement
synonyms: desirable, desired, favored, sought-after, admirable, covetable, attractive, fortunate, lucky, to die for


Definitions of evolution क्रमागत उन्नति

the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Most do believe that evolution works by natural selection on changes in organisms due to random changes in their DNA, and the evidence for this is overwhelming.

synonyms: Darwinism, natural selection

the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
the forms of written languages undergo constant evolution

synonyms: development, advancement, growth, rise, progress, expansion, unfolding, transformation, adaptation, modification, revision

the giving off of a gaseous product, or of heat.
The flash photolysis technique can be used to determine the time of evolution of the products of photodegradation.

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