Friday, 25 November 2016

Potential Hydro Power Projects in Himalayan Glaciers Fears Chances of Floods

Potential Hydro Power Projects in Himalayan Glaciers Fears Chances of Floods. A study was conducted by Swiss researchers on ‘The impact of climate change in the Himalayas’. The study analyzed the Himalayan Glaciers and their possible future impact on lives of the people in States across the region. The study revealed that the ‘potential hydro power projects in the Himalayan region would
face chances of increased floods from the formation of new lakes and the expansion of existing ones due to melting glaciers’.
iv. The study was conducted on 129 hydro projects from India.
v. The number of lakes in the Parvati Valley catchment area was 12 lakes in 1989 which increased to 77 lakes in 2014. Similarly in the Beas basin, six lakes (in 1989) had increased to 33 (in 2011).
vi. 441 hydro power projects across India, Nepal, Pakistan and China accounts for 66% of the constructed and the potential projects, and are on possible Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) area. 
vii. If the projects are constructed much closer to the Glaciers then they would have to experience higher flow of water and almost one-third of the dams could be filled with extra water, much more than required, due to melting glaciers.
viii. However if corrective measures are taken like emphasis on extra design or safety features, the problem of flood may be reduced.

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