2016 edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report was launched on 22 November 2016 during the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) 2016 held from 21 November to 23 November 2016 in Botswana, South Africa by UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU). India has been ranked 138th in global rank Index 2016 with a score of 2.69 while it has
been ranked 26th in the Regional Rank Index 2016. India is among 9 countries in the region which falls within the least connected countries LCC in the ranking.It was ranked 135th in the global rank Index 2015 with a score of 2.50
The ITU index was topped by the Republic of Korea with a score of 8.84. The Sub-Saharan Africa’s Niger with a score of 1.07 ranked lowest.
Findings Of the Report
Nearly all countries improved their ICT Development Index (IDI) values over the last year, but great difference continue to exist between more and less connected countries.
The Republic of Korea tops the IDI rankings in 2016 for the second consecutive year.There has been greater improvement in ICT use than its access
Countries from around the world showed strong improvements in performance.
List of top 10 Economies
1 South korea 8.88
2 Iceland 8.83
3 Denmark 8.74
4 Switzerland 8.68
5 UK 8.57
6 Hong Kong 8.46
7 China 8.46
8 Sweden 8.45
9 Netherland 8.43
10 Norway 8.42
11 Japan 8.37
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) :
ITU is a United Nations specialized agency for information and communication Measuring the Information Society Report 2016technologies – ICTs.
ITU allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, make efforts to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.
ITU is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has twelve regional and area offices around the world.
Measuring the Information Society Report
Measuring the Information Society Report is published annually since 2009. It shows significant ICT data and tools to measure the information society.
The 2016 report measures ICT development in 175 economies worldwide and compares progress with respect to the base year 2015. The report highlights the role of ICTs in achieving Sustainable Developments Goals.
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