Kannada Sahithya Sammelana begins in Raichur The 82nd edition of Akhila Bharata Kannada Sahithya Sammelana, a three-day State-sponsored literary festival, began in Raichur on Friday. Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and Raichur in-charge Tanveer Sait, Kannada Sahithya Parishat district president Basavaprabhu Patil Bettadur and State president Manu Baligar hoisted national,
Karnataka State and Kannada Sahithya Parishat flags, respectively, at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (UAS-R) grounds at 8.30 am.
A colourful procession, that began from Karnataka Sangha at 9.30 a.m., marched through Vivekananda circle, Netaji circle, Patel road, Mouleshwara chowk, Sath Kacheri Road and Basaveshwara circle to reach the main venue. Baraguru Ramachandrappa, the president of the Sammelana, his wife and grandson and Sahithya Parishat State president Manu Baligar were carried in a chariot with a cheering crowd in the procession.
Around 25 cultural teams, all displaying rural folk traditions, who have arrived from different parts of the State, participated in the procession. A 3500-feet-long Karnataka State flag that was leading the procession from the front was one of the major attractions. The flag was prepared by students and staff of Taranath Shikshana Samsthe.
Residents of Raichur were found serving water, butter milk, cool drinks, snacks and other food items to the artists and literary enthusiasts marching. Some others poured flowers on the procession, especially on Baraguru Ramachandrappa from the rooftops of their houses.
Slogans hailing Kannada language, literature, culture and traditions reverberated in the air.
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