Thursday, 19 January 2017

NASA Set to Explore Iron-Rich Asteroid “16 Psyche”

NASA Set to Explore Iron-Rich Asteroid “16 Psyche”
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has given its approval to explore an iron-rich asteroid “16 Psyche” as a part of its mission to learn more about the history and composition of the celestial body. Scientists believe that 16 Psyche is one of the most mysterious objects in the solar
system at a distance of about 230 million miles (370 million km) away from Earth and located in the large asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The space agency will explore the asteroid to understand how planets separated into layers in their early histories. The mission is targeted to be launched in October 2023 and reaching the asteroid in 2030 through Mars in 2025. Psyche is an asteroid which is entirely composed of iron and nickel and the NASA scientist has calculated that the iron content alone in Psyche would be worth over 100-thousand times ($10,000 quadrillion) the value of the entire world economy.This value is large enough to destroy commodity prices and finally collapse the world’s economy that is worth $73.7 trillion (£59.5 trillion).

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