Wednesday, 7 December 2016

RVUNL JE Admit Card 2016 Released: Download @

RVUNL JE Admit Card 2016 Released: Download @  RVUNL Junior Engineer Hall Ticket is released. Applicants who have registered their name for JE and Jr Chemist can immediately download this RVUNL JE admit card 2016. Authorities decided to conduct examination on 29th and 30th December 2016. For more details, please visit official website Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited is known as RVUNL. It is the organization of Rajasthan which has established for the development of power projects under the state sector along with the maintenance and operations of state-owned power stations. RVUNL has released recruitment for 1124 vacancies for the assistant engineer, junior engineer and junior chemist in the departments of electrical, mechanical, civil, control and instrumentation and finance. They are going to conduct online examination for both posts. This JE and junior chemist exam is conducted for the subjects of reasoning and mental ability, mathematics, general knowledge and every day science, Hindi general and English general. Applicants can download this RVUNL JE admit card 2016 as soon as possible. Authorities conduct exam according to the branches, so after downloading the hall ticket, please check your RVUNL Jr Chemist admit card and attend for the exam. Attend examination hall at least before 1 hour. Please don’t forget to carry your RVUNL Junior Engineer Hall Ticket to the Hall, or else you definitely not allowed to the exam. They also need some proof that you are the person who applied for this exam, so please cooperate with them. You can catch this RVUNL JE admit card 2016 from official website Sometimes the photograph will not be displayed on the call letter due to some technical issues. In that case, please carry two photographs along with your id proof and submit to the invigilator. Don’t carry any electronic gadgets like mobiles, calculators, etc. to the hall. In case you really needed a mobile for transportation submit in the office room of the examination center
Examination date:
JE (Electrical): 29.12.2016
JE (remaining branches) and Jr Chemist: 30.12.2016
Admit card Link
For more details and news, please visit tech facts live Facebook page and website

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