Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Mutated fish becomes 8,000 times more resistant to toxic waste discovered in US

Mutated fish becomes 8,000 times more resistant to toxic waste discovered in US US Scientists have discovered a Mutated fish in the east coast of the US, which has evolved to be 8,000 times more resilient to toxic waste.  The small striped ‘mud minnow’, or killifish, is known for living in heavily polluted estuaries such as New Jersey’s Newark Bay and Virginia’s Elizabeth River. The mix of
dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and heavy metals in these sites were anywhere up to 8,000 times the level that would make most killifish go belly-up.
Researchers have shown surveys that lets them endure toxic waste.They collected 400 Atlantic killifish from a number of heavily polluted sites along the US East Coast and sequenced their genomes.

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